Count your blessings

by | 17.12.2022 | General

Around this time of the year, we traditionally count the fruit of our labour. Somewhere between mid September and end of October we celebrate Erntedank (literally “Giving Thanks”) before we go into the dark season.

In #projects, I feel that we often overlook this aspect. We continuously aim to finish open tasks, make a #deadline, close the gap, improve and optimize. While this focus helps us to actually make the deadline and achieve our goals, it also leaves us strangely unaware of what we already have accomplished.

Unless we consciously take a look at all the things that are indeed going well, that have already been overcome, that have been released, produced, or marketed, we can fall into the trap of “never there”. And that can be a lonely and desperate place.

In my #coaching, I see a lot of highly engaged and ambitious people struggling with this. The root cause is not so much imposter syndrome as in “never good enough”, or perfectionism. These people are highly qualified, competent, and with a stack of experience in their fields. They have a standard of professionalism and expect quality from their own work as well as those of their #teams.

What they tend to overlook, because they always aim to improve and optimize, is how far they’ve already come and what is going well. In their projects as well as their lives.

 As you’re reading this, I invite you to take a step back. Take a break – an espresso length will do. Think about the things that go well. Write them down to remind yourself. Talk to your #team about them. While you’re at it, ask them what they think is going well.

Actively make yourself aware of the good things, people, processes, results.

Then go back to work. You might experience slight smiles, dreamy eyes, and a refreshed sense of motivation. Feel free to repeat regularly, or whenever you are in a dark mood and doubt your project.

If you need a guide through the darker times and someone to offer a few shifts in perspective, you know where to find me.

Image: vusta / Getty Images Signature via