Know Your Worth
In a few weeks, it’s time for performance appraisals. Managers the world over are groaning, and...

You Are Enough
NEWSFLASH ***: You are enough. Since the early days of school we have heard that we are either not...

Be Both
Life is full of ambiguity. Just in a single person, we can find toughness as well as sensitivity,...

Reboot and Recharge
How do you feel after the summer? Did you have a good break? I did, and I got some extra...

Own Your Story
Owning your story is one part of stepping into your power. Your story is your path, your lessons...

Stand strong in your weakness
Stand strong in your weakness - we’ve gone beyond the days when leaders needed to have all the...
Angelika Collisi
Sozialpsychologin (M.A.), PMP, PSM, CBAP, Holistische Heilerin, Zertifizierte Trainerin