Own Your Darkness

We all have our darker aspects, don’t we? Thoughts and feelings we don’t like, try to ignore or work our way out of. The things we don’t like to admit, especially at work. But while you’re busy trying to ignore them, the portion of your energy that is keeping them...

Know Your Worth

In a few weeks, it’s time for performance appraisals. Managers the world over are groaning, and employees the world over are preparing themselves in that curious mix of hopeful and anxious. A lot depends on your manager, and your relationship with him or her. But...

You Are Enough

NEWSFLASH ***: You are enough. Since the early days of school we have heard that we are either not enough, or too much. In some cases, our families have done their share of damage when it comes to telling us how not-ok we are. It is time that we accept ourselves as we...

Be Both

Life is full of ambiguity. Just in a single person, we can find toughness as well as sensitivity, fear as well as courage, meticulous organization mixed with creative chaos - we’re not one-dimensional creatures, and it can challenge us immensely on our personal...

Reboot and Recharge

How do you feel after the summer? Did you have a good break?  I did, and I got some extra break on top because I caught a heavy flu on the way home that derailed my schedule for the start of September. It made me think about the real priorities (no, not just...

Own Your Story

Owning your story is one part of stepping into your power. Your story is your path, your lessons in life, your experience, and the lens through which you see the world. Sharing it can help bridge understanding between you and other people, and it can inspire others to...

Stand strong in your weakness

Stand strong in your weakness - we’ve gone beyond the days when leaders needed to have all the answers. There is nothing wrong with not knowing, or being insecure, or feeling vulnerable when you try something new for the first time. Not even if you’re doing it for the...

Find your Truth

I’m part of a number of women’s groups - masterminds, memberships, entrepreneur groups, and others. Over the past couple of days, it struck me how many women were sharing about finding their truth. They are coming out of their shell, understand who they really are,...

Stop Hiding

Stop hiding. There is no point.   Hiding stems from anxiety, trauma, and the fear of not being in control. It is based on the idea of controlling other people’s reactions, and that is an illusion any day. You cannot control how people will react.  And...

Is Leadership just common sense?

Many of the principles of good leadership are common sense - or should be. Treat people fairly, don’t make assumptions, clarify roles and expectations, communicate openly, protect and support your team. Makes total sense, right? Why then do we still need to talk about...
Be Both

Be Both

Life is full of ambiguity. Just in a single person, we can find toughness as well as sensitivity,...

Angelika Collisi - Pampiloxa

Angelika Collisi

Sozialpsychologin (M.A.), PMP, PSM, CBAP, Holistische Heilerin, Zertifizierte Trainerin
