Stand strong in your weakness

Stand strong in your weakness

Stand strong in your weakness – we’ve gone beyond the days when leaders needed to have all the answers. There is nothing wrong with not knowing, or being insecure, or feeling vulnerable when you try something new for the first time. Not even if you’re doing it...
Find your Truth

Find your Truth

I’m part of a number of women’s groups – masterminds, memberships, entrepreneur groups, and others. Over the past couple of days, it struck me how many women were sharing about finding their truth. They are coming out of their shell, understand who they really...
Stop Hiding

Stop Hiding

Stop hiding. There is no point.   Hiding stems from anxiety, trauma, and the fear of not being in control. It is based on the idea of controlling other people’s reactions, and that is an illusion any day. You cannot control how people will react.  And...
Is Leadership just common sense?

Is Leadership just common sense?

Many of the principles of good leadership are common sense – or should be. Treat people fairly, don’t make assumptions, clarify roles and expectations, communicate openly, protect and support your team. Makes total sense, right? Why then do we still need to talk...
Don’t be afraid to use your power

Don’t be afraid to use your power

Realizing that you have real influence and power can be a scary thing.If you have any sense of responsibility and ethics, you probably have mixed emotions about power. This counts twice for women, because we have been indoctrinated over centuries to believe that our...